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Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year and a Blog Contest!

*** Contest Update: I had a misunderstanding when I set up the poll, and it looks like each person can only vote once total rather than once per day. I have tried to change it, but I don't think I can. I will keep working on it though and let you know if anything changes. Just know that everyone is experiencing the same thing, so the vote is still fair. You will just need to find lots of new people to vote now. I'm really sorry for the confusion. I guess these are the kinds of things you learn the first time you do a contest like this. Thanks for understanding!! ***

I thought it would be fun to ring in the new year with a blog contest! I regret that I cannot include every session in the contest, but there are just too many. So for this contest, I am including all of my babies from sessions that took place July through December of last year. This means newborns all the way up to the cuties that had just turned one around their session. No promises, but if all goes well, I will try to do a separate contest with all my families and bigger kids from the second half of last year. So stay tuned and vote for your favorite photo even if your session isn't included this time around.

Oh, and I bet you want to know what the winner 11x14 gallery wrapped canvas from their session! It doesn't have to be the picture I chose for the contest. One vote per household per day, please. The contest will end at noon next Saturday, January 10th. Make sure to tell all your friends to vote!

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Happy New Year!!!


Ashley said...

I am a friend of Kritin's and I must say that you are one talented lady! Very good job!

Abby said...

Oh my gosh! I love the one of the girl in the cup! Would you please tell me were you took it? you can leave a comment on my blog if you want. Thank you, Abby