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Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Taylor, Averi, & Connor

We went out to take Taylor's 7-year-old pictures last week. This girl knows how to work it for the camera. When she was done with one pose, she would immediately say she had "another one" - ha! So fun! There are a ton of favorites...I couldn't pick just a few.

She's having a Hannah Montana birthday party, hence the reason for the rocker girl clothes in these first pictures!

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And here's one of Averi from that night...

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Then, we went out the next day and took pictures of Averi and Connor...

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The exciting announcement is that a lot of these pictures and the pictures I took of Logan and Sydney a while ago are going to be in Steve Hill's house in the Parade of Homes starting this weekend! Donna called me after I took Taylor's pictures on Wednesday night and said she wanted to have pictures of all of her grandkids in the house. She even painted a sign that says Denae Hutson Photography to hang with the pictures. I haven't seen it yet, but I'm sure it's fabulous! So be sure to head out to the Parade of Homes and look for my pictures in Steve Hill's house! I'm excited!!


mandal said...

LOVE EM' Can't wait to see them hanging in the house:)

Caits said...

Yikes her model look is fierce!!!!!!!

She looks like the sweetest little chick!